![]() Aggregated News & Opinion Today’s posts in bigger type. Prior 2-3 days in smaller type. Obama's ACA didn't fix this: The US wastes $1.8 Trillion per year on health care spending compared to the average of 2017 total per capita costs of comparable yet profit-controlled advanced countries. Let's end price gouging and adopt profit-control practices too. To the point, 2017 US out-of-control per capita health care spending was $5322 more per person than in France, the highest rated system based on patient outcomes. Read the single-payer facts. Health: US passes 150,000 coronavirus deaths amid fresh surge in cases [Good job, Trump!] Six months after first cases emerged in US, hospitals are under strain in multiple states
Jessica Glenza and Joanna Walters in New York | The Guardian | 20.07.30
Environment: Linux玩家必备:Ubuntu完全配置指南 - 知乎:2021-4-6 · 更新记录2021.4.6更新:增加了Fish的介绍2021.2.12更新:增加了Deepin-Wine系列软伀的安装说明2021.12.19更新:新增alacarte菜单编辑工具2021.12.14更新:新增快捷设置开机启动项的方法2021.10更新:新增腾讯QQ、… [5:30 video; The U.S. is rapidly becoming a 3rd World Country. A smarter President with morals and good judgement is needed] Global voices in the crisis say a US exit from the Paris agreement is damaging, but the fact no other country is leaving shows it can survive this ‘ultimate stress test’
Fiona Harvey, environment correspondent | heroku搭建v2ray | 20.07.30
Environment: The four types of climate denier, and why you should ignore them all [A less ignorant President is needed] The shill, the grifter, the egomaniac and the ideological fool: each distorts the urgent global debate in their own way Damian Carrington | The Guardian | 20.07.30
Environment: V2Ray安装使用教程-月光博客:2021-6-3 · V2Ray是个非常好用的上网工具,但是其安装和配置却比较复杂,客户端也不太完善,因此相对来说不太流行,这里就介绍一个较为简单的V2Ray一键安装脚本的使用方法,供大家参考。 [A less ignorant President is needed] The government talks a good game when it comes to radical policymaking. But its failure to invest in a zero-carbon future tells a different story Editorial | The Guardian | 20.07.30
Health: Covid-19: England had highest excess death levels in Europe by end of May While England did not have highest peak mortality, it had longest continuous period of excess mortality, figures show Pamela Duncan, Niamh McIntyre and Antonio Voce | The Guardian | 20.07.30
Health: Covid-19: Florida reports record one-day deaths as concerns grow for other states [Good job, Trump!]
Guardian staff and agencies | The Guardian | 20.07.29
Environment: Loss of bees causes shortage of key food crops, study finds [Good job, Monsanto!]
Oliver Milman | The Guardian | 20.07.29
Environment: 群晖能不能做外网的企理服务器? - 电脑讨论 - Chiphell - 分享 ...:2021-10-18 · 群晖能不能做外网的企理服务器?,412+套伀里的企理服务器貌似是针对内网的,公司网络使用企理服务器各种限制上网,非常不方便,办公室里接了无线路由,由于企理服务器设置的原因,无法使用很多APP,想问一 ...,电脑讨论,讨论区-技术与经验的讨论 ,Chiphell - 分享与交流用户体验 It will be much more expensive for the U.S. to separate its responses to coronavirus recovery and climate change, Jenkins said, than to align them. Jeff McMahon Senior Contributor | Forbes | 20.07.28
Health: AI model developed to identify individual birds without tagging ["One great tit can look much like another"] Distinguishing individual birds using AI could aid avian behaviour research v2ray搭建教程 | The Guardian | 20.07.28
Health: Vietnam detects first locally transmitted Covid-19 cases since April [Vietnam is better at fighting Covid-19 than Trump's Amerika] Nation brings in strict new measures and evacuates 80,000 people from city of Danang
Rebecca Ratcliffe 如何搭建v2ray | 如何搭建v2ray | 20.07.28
一键搭建v2ray World’s largest nuclear fusion project begins assembly in France [Catastrophe a scary possibility] Project aims to show clean fusion power can be generated at commercial scale Damian Carrington Environment editor | 如何搭建v2ray | 20.07.28
Health: Europe braces for second wave of coronavirus Belgium raises prospect of ‘complete lockdown’ as Spain and France report spikes in infection rate Sam Jones in Madrid, Kim Willsher in Paris, Daniel Boffey in Brussels and Kate Connolly in Berlin | The Guardian | 20.07.28
Environment: We are entering an era of pandemics – it will only end when we protect the rainforest [If Bolsonaro won't change, then the people must replace him!] Reducing deforestation and the exploitation of wildlife are the first steps in breaking the chain of disease emergence Peter Daszak | The Guardian | 20.07.28
Media manipulation: If you’re not terrified about Facebook, you haven’t been paying attention Facebook and America are now indivisible, says the Observer journalist who broke the Cambridge Analytica scandal – and the world is a sicker place for it Carole Cadwalladr | v2ray教程 | 20.07.26
Fake/Gossip News: 安装v2ray+SwitchyOmega使用谷歌*** - BBSMAX:2021-2-15 · 安装v2ray+SwitchyOmega使用谷歌*** 系统环境:ubuntu18.04 1.安装v2ray 在root用户下执行命伂:bash < (curl -L -s https://install.direct/go.sh) $ cd /etc/v2ray $ mv config.json config.json.bak 把已经写好的config.json文伀移动到当前目录 $ sudo service ... [As Private Equity companies profitably buy and bankrupt reputable newspapers, the public must then rely evermore on fake-news sources. But Facebook is more than just fake news: by knowing collected details about each user it can alter every query's response uniquely to manipulate his/her perceptions and beliefs.] Mark Zuckerberg’s autocratic nature and fear of anti-trust legislation might see him plump for Trump in the race for president
John Naughton | The Guardian | 20.07.26
Interview: Yaël Eisenstat: 'Facebook is ripe for manipulation and viral misinformation' 安装v2ray+SwitchyOmega使用谷歌*** - BBSMAX:2021-2-15 · 安装v2ray+SwitchyOmega使用谷歌*** 系统环境:ubuntu18.04 1.安装v2ray 在root用户下执行命伂:bash < (curl -L -s https://install.direct/go.sh) $ cd /etc/v2ray $ mv config.json config.json.bak 把已经写好的config.json文伀移动到当前目录 $ sudo service ... 一键搭建v2ray | The Guardian | 20.07.26
Fake/Gossip News: “Zuck off”: Doctors, nurses, scientists rail against Zuckerberg 使用Docker容器快速部署 V2Ray-留时刻运维网:2021-12-23 · 置顶推荐 使用Docker容器快速部署 V2Ray 2021-12-23 Let’s Encrypt证书续期 2021-07-15 ProxySQL+Mysql实现数据库读写分离实战 2021-06-23 掌握这些命伂,玩转Linux小黑框 2021-06-23 Redis 备份、容灾及高可用实战 2021-06-18 Ansible 极简教程 2021-06-14 v2ray教程 | arsTECHNICA | 20.07.26
Md's Racist Gov. Hogan The View Vs. MSNBC: GOP Gov. Larry Hogan [9:55 Video; Why hasn't the media clearly reported this before?] The Rational National Channel | YouTube | 20.07.23
Bob Somerby's DailyHowler Bad journalists are howled at BOB SOMERBY in The DailyHowler | EVERY DAY
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